3D Technology for Cultural Heritage

3D Technology for Cultural Heritage

Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) in Trento hosted a meeting concerning two cultural heritage projects: 3DBigDataSpace (aggregation, processing and enhancement of 3D objects) and 3D-4CH (creation of a 3D competence center). Both of these EU funded projects were launched on 1 February 2025.

The meeting held between 17 and 20 February 2025 was filled with discussions focused primarily on the details of the ongoing work and upcoming plans. The 3DBigDataSpace project (with 10 consortium members) will last a year and a half and its results will be an important contribution to the creation of a future 3D competence center. Activities in 3D-4CH (with 20 partners) will initially concentrate on creating an online platform – a space for training materials, 3D object sources, tools for processing and visualization, as well as information about companies or institutions conducting research and providing services in the field of 3D objects.

PSNC representatives Tomasz Parkoła (Director of Network Services Division), Maciej Głowiak (Head of the New Media Department) and Paweł Marciniak (Digital Libraries and Knowledge Platforms Department) took an active part in the meeting, as the Poznań Center is deeply involved in both projects.

For the 3DBigDataSpace project PSNC is going to create a 3D file browser enabling users to interact with complex 3D content while surfing the Internet. The browser is supposed to provide a more immersive and at the same time accessible experience without the need for other specialized software. In addition to that, PSNC will also create a set of tools for aggregation and enrichment of 3D resources. Those tools will give users such options as automatic content recognition and geolocation thanks to the use of artificial intelligence mechanisms. There are also plans to prepare training materials and a series of workshops related to the digitization of cultural heritage objects and laser scanning.

PSNC’s participation in the 3D-4CH project will be based on analyzing and testing available tools for processing, reconstruction and enrichment of 3D objects and metadata associated with relevant resources. In addition to that, the Center will publish and aggregate models, design the Competence Center platform and provide a proper set of training materials for 3D specialists whose focus of work is mainly connected with cultural heritage.

Photos provided by the Time Machine Organisation