Market for Open Source: prototype service indexing open source projects

Market for Open Source: prototype service indexing open source projects
A prototype version of the network service indexing open-source projects was recently made available under the MARKOS project, together with PSNC Open Source Competence Centre. We invite you to test this service!

One of the Partners of the MARKOS Consortium implementing the project is Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center (PSNC) which is the founder of Open Source Competence Center (OSS CC), promoting adoption and involvement with OSS, in particular by providing services directly to PSNC teams, companies, public administrations and individuals.

Among many initiatives of the Competence Center is MARKOS (The MARKet for Open Source) – a two-and-a-half year project funded from 7th Framework Programme, which realizes the prototype of a service and an interactive application providing an integrated view on the Open Source projects available the on web, focusing on functional, structural and licenses aspects of software code.

Take a closer look at the prototype and express your opinion on how the platform would be useful in the work of programmers, analysts, architects and others involved in the development of systems using open source components.

We invite you to test the service here:

The DEMO aiming to introduce the main results of the Project and features of the MARKOS Prototype will be demonstrated in full during the MARKOS Workshop at Cloudscape VII Conference in Brussels on 9th March 2015.

More information about the project at:

PSNC Open Source Competence Center: