What’s up, Europeana? (part 2)

What’s up, Europeana? (part 2)

Recently Europeana has crossed the level of 10 million objects. Because of this we have decided to calculate again some simple statistics regarding the participation of Polish resources in Europeana. For today the share of resources published in Europeana by Polish institutions is about 3,4% which gives Poland 9th place in Europe. As you may remember, in similar statistics prepared by us on the 29 of March this year Poland was on the 6th place, with a share about 4,5%.

Also the position of Digital Libraries Federation have changed. Since the last statistics was calculated, the number of objects from Polish institutions provided to Europeana via the Federation increased by over 34 thousands (more than 10% increase). It was to small, to hold the 8th position in the content providers ranking. Presently the DLF occupies position number 10.

More detailed statistics are available here. Although such statistics and its comparisons should not be read directly – e.g. nowadays Poland digitizes and publishes on-line its cultural heritage slower than other European countries. We assume that the high level of technological advancement and coherence of digital libraries in Poland allowed us to contribute to Europeana in its early stage of activity. This is why Poland and DLF were quite high in the March statistics. Presently Europeana receives content from other institutions, from countries where the process of cultural heritage digitisation started earlier and was/is more intense. Such institutions are now technically ready to cooperate with Europeana and they were able to transmit large amount of data right from the beginning. That is why our position decreased.

Do we have a chance to catch up on this? Of course – the one thing is that more and more institutions in Poland starts to cooperate with Europeana. Some of these already publish on line significant amount of digital objects (e.g. National Digital Archive in collection http://www.audiovis.nac.gov.pl/ publishes around 150 000 objects). On the other hand the Polish Ministry of Culture has quite ambitious plans, described also in the documents that we have recently mentioned. So there is a hope 🙂

  • PCSS Joins the OPERAS Consortium

    PCSS Joins the OPERAS Consortium

    OPERAS – a research infrastructure for the humanities and social sciences is a key initiative supporting the development of open scientific communication within the European Research Area. As part of the OPERAS consortium, sixty-five institutions from 24 countries are developing products and services that foster open scientific communication in the humanities and social sciences. This year, the Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center has joined the Consortium.

  • GenAI: Showing generation Z how to make the most of artificial intelligence

    GenAI: Showing generation Z how to make the most of artificial intelligence

    GenAI project is supposed to provide generation Z with knowledge allowing them to use artificial intelligence in a proper way. In practice, it should have positive effects on academic, professional and personal aspects of life, as a result of developing digital skills, critical thinking, and problem solving, as well as increasing awareness concerning both the potential and limitations of AI.

  • Polish PRACE-LAB and PRACE-LAB2 HPC installations in the TOP500

    Polish PRACE-LAB and PRACE-LAB2 HPC installations in the TOP500

    A brand new TOP500 list revealing the fastest supercomputers in the world was released during this year’s Supercomputing in Atlanta (17–22.11.2024). The list includes computing systems from PRACE-LAB and PRACE-LAB2 projects, which are key Polish high efficiency computing infrastructures. These two TOP500 entries confirm Poland’s strong position on the global arena of computing development.

  • PSNC’s Lustre System in the Top 10 of IO500 at SC24

    PSNC’s Lustre System in the Top 10 of IO500 at SC24

    During the Supercomputing 2024 conference in Atlanta (USA), the new annual IO500 list has been announced – ranking the current world’s fastest data storage systems. The PSNC data storage system for the Proxima HPC cluster is ranked at #10 on the 10 Node Production List.

  • Quantum Use Case Demonstration

    Quantum Use Case Demonstration

    During the SC Conference had a demonstration uses two quantum-classical testbeds in PSNC, Poznan, Poland and the SC24 venue in Atlanta, USA.

  • Distributed Hybrid Quantum-Classical Computing in a post-Quantum Cryptography World

    Distributed Hybrid Quantum-Classical Computing in a post-Quantum Cryptography World

    Quantum computing offers huge opportunities to the research and education (R&E) community as well as to commercial enterprise. Quantum computers have the power to tackle problems far beyond the current reach of classical computing, from simulating complex protein folding and predicting meteorological phenomena to modelling financial systems.

  • Meeting of the EuroHPC HEs Communication Network at SC24 in Atlanta

    Meeting of the EuroHPC HEs Communication Network at SC24 in Atlanta

    These informal meetings between EuroHPC JU and the communications teams of the 6 hosting entities from Czechia, France, Germany, Italy, Poland and Spain aim to facilitate information exchange, share best practices, and strengthen communication synergies. Last session, which we had the pleasure of participating in, focused on presenting the common EuroHPC communication strategy and preparing for the implementation of milestones and upcoming events.

  • EOSC EU Node at EUDAT Conference

    EOSC EU Node at EUDAT Conference

    The EUDAT conference 2024 organised in Karlsruhe (Germany) on 3-5 December 2024 is an international forum on and about DATA. Topics such as EOSC, the Data Spaces, the connection with HPC and handling sensitive data were tackled in dedicated sessions that provide a view of developments on a European level.

  • Planet-On Quantum & AI Hackathon for Greener Future

    Planet-On Quantum & AI Hackathon for Greener Future

    On 23 and 24 November 2024 participants of a 24-hour-long „Planet-On Quantum & AI Hackathon for Greener Future” faced the challenges of stopping the climate changes. The event was organised by PSNC Future Labs, Lawyers Association of Wielkopolska and AQT. The Voivodeship Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management was the patron of the competition.

  • Project ECHOES at Digitization in Museums Conference

    Project ECHOES at Digitization in Museums Conference

    The lasting effect of information was the theme of the third edition of Digitization in Museums Conference and the accompanying discussion forum. The event took place in the National Museum of Technology in Warsaw on 21 and 22 November 2024. Błażej Betański from the Digital Libraries and Knowledge Platforms Department of PSNC represented the our Center, elaborating on ECHOES – a platform enabling cooperation in the field of cultural heritage.

  • Otolaryngological surgeries from Poznań

    Otolaryngological surgeries from Poznań

    104 countries, 42 000 viewers, and 23 surgeries performed in 10 of the best European medical centers – these are the numbers from the 9th edition of the European Laryngological Live Surgery Broadcast, organized in cooperation with the European Laryngological Society, the Poznań Academy of Applied Sciences, PSNC, and the Health and Social Affairs Department of the City of Poznań.

  • EOSC EU NODE Presentation at SC24

    EOSC EU NODE Presentation at SC24

    PSNC premiered its own original data access system EOSC EU NODE (European Open Science Cloud EU NODE) during the SC24 conference in Atlanta. The conference is well-known for HPC, cloud, computing and data access solutions galore presented there on a yearly basis. The PSNC system constitutes the very first node dedicated entirely to the European Commission's open scientific data project (EOSC).

  • DARIAH-HUB Poland Presentation at the Time Machine Synergy Summit 2024

    DARIAH-HUB Poland Presentation at the Time Machine Synergy Summit 2024

    On 19 November 2024 École Polytechnique Fédérale in Lausanne hosted the Time Machine Synergy Summit 2024. Time Machine Organisation, which is responsible for this event, focuses its interest and activities on projects concerning technology, science and, most importantly, cultural heritage. PSNC’s Tomasz Parkoła – Head of Digital Libraries and Knowledge Platforms Department was representing our Center at this year’s Summit with his presentation on DARIAH-HUB Poland project.

  • AgrifoodTEF at BIOAGRO 2024

    AgrifoodTEF at BIOAGRO 2024

    PSNC presented the agrifoodTEF project during the very first edition of BIOAGRO Poland International Trade Fair for Technologies and Products of Organic Agriculture. The Fair took place in Warsaw between 13 and 15 October 2024.

  • Nobel Prizes 2024: AI in Physics and Chemistry

    Nobel Prizes 2024: AI in Physics and Chemistry

    This year's Nobel Prizes in Physics and Chemistry highlight the groundbreaking role of artificial intelligence in those fields. To get insights into this significant development, we reached out to Dr Mikołaj Buchwald – an expert from the PSNC Internet Services Department, whose research interests include cognitive neuroscience, machine learning methodology, as well as using AI plus advanced data analysis to explain human physiology and psychology.

  • PSNC Leaps into the future of computing

    PSNC Leaps into the future of computing

    Thanks to the Dariah.lab infrastructure, the first pilot projects for the preservation and dissemination of cultural heritage resources have been implemented in 2023. Dariah.lab is a research infrastructure for the humanities and arts, built as part of the DARIAH-PL project. It serves to acquire, store and integrate cultural data from the humanities and social sciences, and to process, visualise and share digital resources.

  • International Media on PSNC

    International Media on PSNC

    Here is a short sellection of recent articles on PSNC that have appeared in some international media.

  • Dariah.lab: cultural heritage documentation

    Dariah.lab: cultural heritage documentation

    Thanks to the Dariah.lab infrastructure, the first pilot projects for the preservation and dissemination of cultural heritage resources have been implemented in 2023. Dariah.lab is a research infrastructure for the humanities and arts, built as part of the DARIAH-PL project. It serves to acquire, store and integrate cultural data from the humanities and social sciences, and to process, visualise and share digital resources.

  • Experiments using the largest IBM Q quantum computers

    Experiments using the largest IBM Q quantum computers

    The Polish Quantum Computing Node established at the Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center - IBM Quantum Innovation Center - focused its activities in 2023 on expanding partnerships with leading centers and teams dealing with the development of quantum algorithms and their potential applications.

  • Aviation investment in Kąkolewo

    Aviation investment in Kąkolewo

    The construction of the hangar with laboratory and research facilities and its equipment is carried out as part of the "AEROSFERA" project. “The airport of things”. The main objective of the project is to provide Kąkolewo Airport with scientific and research infrastructure for conducting research and development work in the fields of air transport, utility operations, logistics, monitoring, surveillance and neutralisation of incidents and disasters.

  • About PSNC anniversary in GÉANT CONNECT

    About PSNC anniversary in GÉANT CONNECT

    The latest issue of "CONNECT" magazine, which focuses on the GÉANT network and community, published an article on three decades of activity of the Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center. The publication describes the most important events in the history of the PSNC, which is an important international node of the European Research Area in the field of information technology infrastructure for science and an important research and development center for information and communication technologies.

  • EOSC EU Node at EUDAT Conference

    EOSC EU Node at EUDAT Conference

    The EUDAT conference 2024 organised in Karlsruhe (Germany) on 3-5 December 2024 is an international forum on and about DATA. Topics such as EOSC, the Data Spaces, the connection with HPC and handling sensitive data were tackled in dedicated sessions that provide a view of developments on a European level.

  • Nobel Prizes 2024: AI in Physics and Chemistry

    Nobel Prizes 2024: AI in Physics and Chemistry

    This year's Nobel Prizes in Physics and Chemistry highlight the groundbreaking role of artificial intelligence in those fields. To get insights into this significant development, we reached out to Dr Mikołaj Buchwald – an expert from the PSNC Internet Services Department, whose research interests include cognitive neuroscience, machine learning methodology, as well as using AI plus advanced data analysis to explain human physiology and psychology.

  • PCSS Joins the OPERAS Consortium

    PCSS Joins the OPERAS Consortium

    OPERAS – a research infrastructure for the humanities and social sciences is a key initiative supporting the development of open scientific communication within the European Research Area. As part of the OPERAS consortium, sixty-five institutions from 24 countries are developing products and services that foster open scientific communication in the humanities and social sciences. This year, the Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center has joined the Consortium.

  • Planet-On Quantum & AI Hackathon for Greener Future

    Planet-On Quantum & AI Hackathon for Greener Future

    On 23 and 24 November 2024 participants of a 24-hour-long „Planet-On Quantum & AI Hackathon for Greener Future” faced the challenges of stopping the climate changes. The event was organised by PSNC Future Labs, Lawyers Association of Wielkopolska and AQT. The Voivodeship Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management was the patron of the competition.

  • PSNC Leaps into the future of computing

    PSNC Leaps into the future of computing

    Thanks to the Dariah.lab infrastructure, the first pilot projects for the preservation and dissemination of cultural heritage resources have been implemented in 2023. Dariah.lab is a research infrastructure for the humanities and arts, built as part of the DARIAH-PL project. It serves to acquire, store and integrate cultural data from the humanities and social sciences, and to process, visualise and share digital resources.

  • GenAI: Showing generation Z how to make the most of artificial intelligence

    GenAI: Showing generation Z how to make the most of artificial intelligence

    GenAI project is supposed to provide generation Z with knowledge allowing them to use artificial intelligence in a proper way. In practice, it should have positive effects on academic, professional and personal aspects of life, as a result of developing digital skills, critical thinking, and problem solving, as well as increasing awareness concerning both the potential and limitations of AI.

  • Project ECHOES at Digitization in Museums Conference

    Project ECHOES at Digitization in Museums Conference

    The lasting effect of information was the theme of the third edition of Digitization in Museums Conference and the accompanying discussion forum. The event took place in the National Museum of Technology in Warsaw on 21 and 22 November 2024. Błażej Betański from the Digital Libraries and Knowledge Platforms Department of PSNC represented the our Center, elaborating on ECHOES – a platform enabling cooperation in the field of cultural heritage.

  • International Media on PSNC

    International Media on PSNC

    Here is a short sellection of recent articles on PSNC that have appeared in some international media.

  • Polish PRACE-LAB and PRACE-LAB2 HPC installations in the TOP500

    Polish PRACE-LAB and PRACE-LAB2 HPC installations in the TOP500

    A brand new TOP500 list revealing the fastest supercomputers in the world was released during this year’s Supercomputing in Atlanta (17–22.11.2024). The list includes computing systems from PRACE-LAB and PRACE-LAB2 projects, which are key Polish high efficiency computing infrastructures. These two TOP500 entries confirm Poland’s strong position on the global arena of computing development.

  • Otolaryngological surgeries from Poznań

    Otolaryngological surgeries from Poznań

    104 countries, 42 000 viewers, and 23 surgeries performed in 10 of the best European medical centers – these are the numbers from the 9th edition of the European Laryngological Live Surgery Broadcast, organized in cooperation with the European Laryngological Society, the Poznań Academy of Applied Sciences, PSNC, and the Health and Social Affairs Department of the City of Poznań.

  • Dariah.lab: cultural heritage documentation

    Dariah.lab: cultural heritage documentation

    Thanks to the Dariah.lab infrastructure, the first pilot projects for the preservation and dissemination of cultural heritage resources have been implemented in 2023. Dariah.lab is a research infrastructure for the humanities and arts, built as part of the DARIAH-PL project. It serves to acquire, store and integrate cultural data from the humanities and social sciences, and to process, visualise and share digital resources.

  • PSNC’s Lustre System in the Top 10 of IO500 at SC24

    PSNC’s Lustre System in the Top 10 of IO500 at SC24

    During the Supercomputing 2024 conference in Atlanta (USA), the new annual IO500 list has been announced – ranking the current world’s fastest data storage systems. The PSNC data storage system for the Proxima HPC cluster is ranked at #10 on the 10 Node Production List.

  • EOSC EU NODE Presentation at SC24

    EOSC EU NODE Presentation at SC24

    PSNC premiered its own original data access system EOSC EU NODE (European Open Science Cloud EU NODE) during the SC24 conference in Atlanta. The conference is well-known for HPC, cloud, computing and data access solutions galore presented there on a yearly basis. The PSNC system constitutes the very first node dedicated entirely to the European Commission's open scientific data project (EOSC).

  • Experiments using the largest IBM Q quantum computers

    Experiments using the largest IBM Q quantum computers

    The Polish Quantum Computing Node established at the Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center - IBM Quantum Innovation Center - focused its activities in 2023 on expanding partnerships with leading centers and teams dealing with the development of quantum algorithms and their potential applications.

  • Quantum Use Case Demonstration

    Quantum Use Case Demonstration

    During the SC Conference had a demonstration uses two quantum-classical testbeds in PSNC, Poznan, Poland and the SC24 venue in Atlanta, USA.

  • DARIAH-HUB Poland Presentation at the Time Machine Synergy Summit 2024

    DARIAH-HUB Poland Presentation at the Time Machine Synergy Summit 2024

    On 19 November 2024 École Polytechnique Fédérale in Lausanne hosted the Time Machine Synergy Summit 2024. Time Machine Organisation, which is responsible for this event, focuses its interest and activities on projects concerning technology, science and, most importantly, cultural heritage. PSNC’s Tomasz Parkoła – Head of Digital Libraries and Knowledge Platforms Department was representing our Center at this year’s Summit with his presentation on DARIAH-HUB Poland project.

  • Aviation investment in Kąkolewo

    Aviation investment in Kąkolewo

    The construction of the hangar with laboratory and research facilities and its equipment is carried out as part of the "AEROSFERA" project. “The airport of things”. The main objective of the project is to provide Kąkolewo Airport with scientific and research infrastructure for conducting research and development work in the fields of air transport, utility operations, logistics, monitoring, surveillance and neutralisation of incidents and disasters.

  • Distributed Hybrid Quantum-Classical Computing in a post-Quantum Cryptography World

    Distributed Hybrid Quantum-Classical Computing in a post-Quantum Cryptography World

    Quantum computing offers huge opportunities to the research and education (R&E) community as well as to commercial enterprise. Quantum computers have the power to tackle problems far beyond the current reach of classical computing, from simulating complex protein folding and predicting meteorological phenomena to modelling financial systems.

  • Meeting of the EuroHPC HEs Communication Network at SC24 in Atlanta

    Meeting of the EuroHPC HEs Communication Network at SC24 in Atlanta

    These informal meetings between EuroHPC JU and the communications teams of the 6 hosting entities from Czechia, France, Germany, Italy, Poland and Spain aim to facilitate information exchange, share best practices, and strengthen communication synergies. Last session, which we had the pleasure of participating in, focused on presenting the common EuroHPC communication strategy and preparing for the implementation of milestones and upcoming events.

  • AgrifoodTEF at BIOAGRO 2024

    AgrifoodTEF at BIOAGRO 2024

    PSNC presented the agrifoodTEF project during the very first edition of BIOAGRO Poland International Trade Fair for Technologies and Products of Organic Agriculture. The Fair took place in Warsaw between 13 and 15 October 2024.

  • About PSNC anniversary in GÉANT CONNECT

    About PSNC anniversary in GÉANT CONNECT

    The latest issue of "CONNECT" magazine, which focuses on the GÉANT network and community, published an article on three decades of activity of the Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center. The publication describes the most important events in the history of the PSNC, which is an important international node of the European Research Area in the field of information technology infrastructure for science and an important research and development center for information and communication technologies.