Presentation of the Immersify project at NEM Summit 2020

Presentation of the Immersify project at NEM Summit 2020

The Immersify project will be presented during NEM Summit 2020, which is organized online this year. The NEM Summit is an international conference and exhibition, organized since 2008 by the NEM Initiative for all those interested in broad area of Media, Content, and Creativity.

This year, the results of HEVC live encoding, experimental content production, 8K streaming as well as collaboration with artists will be presented. The presentation “Advanced compression and streaming tools for ultra-high definition immersive media with live experimentation” will take place on Thursday 2 July 2020 in the session at 10:00 CEST (“New formats, Digital content”).

The link to the online transmission from the conference is (password “nem2020”).

More details about the conference.