February 2, 2024
We would like to inform you that on 2nd February, 2024 IBCH PAS PSNC submitted to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education an application for financing in 2024 of access to foreign databases of scientific journals, electronic books and bibliographic databases with the largest international coverage for a total amount of PLN 21 883 015.99.
The following accesses were included in the application to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education:
– EBSCO Information Services basic package (national licence)
– EBSCO Information Services specialized package (consortium licence)
– Royal Society of Chemistry (consortium licence)
– KARGER (consortium licence)
– McGraw-Hill (consortium licence).
We will inform you of the Ministry’s decision on funding for the above databases in 2024, once the application has been considered.
August 11, 2023
The Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center, on behalf of itself and all the scientific units participating in the public procurement proceedings, signed agreements with Contractors – the companies EBSCO Sp. z o.o. and ABE Holding S.A. This year’s funding from the Ministry of Education and Science allowed the following accesses to be paid for:
– EBSCO Information Services national licence basic package – 100% MEiN funding
– EBSCO Information Services consortium licence specialist package – in 2023, 104 scientific units were covered by 50% funding for the purchase.
– Royal Society of Chemistry consortium licence – 35 research units were covered by 50% purchase funding in 2023.
– KARGER consortium licence – 9 research units were covered by 50% purchase funding in 2023.
– McGraw-Hill consortium licence – 24 scientific units were covered by 50% purchase funding in 2023.
Many thanks to all the scientific units and their representatives for this year’s cooperation, commitment and timeliness in the submission and completion of documents.”
July 20, 2023
We are pleased to announce that on 18.07.2023 an agreement was concluded between the Ministry of Education and Science and the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry PAS Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center, the subject of which is the provision of access to foreign scientific journal databases and bibliographic databases with the greatest international coverage in 2023.
Total amount of funding awarded: PLN 22,617,432.31
May 12, 2023
We are pleased to inform that the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center received a letter of May 11th, 2023, from the Ministry of Education and Science with a task to provide access to foreign databases of scientific journals and bibliometric databases with the widest international reach in 2023. The Ministry granted the financial resources in the amount of PLN 22 617 432,32, including the purchase of access rights to the following:
– EBSCO Information Services basic package (national license)
– EBSCO Information Services specialized package (consortium license)
– Royal Society of Chemistry (consortium license)
– McGraw-Hill (consortium license)
– KARGER (consortium license).
Agreements and representations have already been signed by all academic units that participate in the proceedings and sent at an earlier stage of preparation works. Thanks to that we can commence implementing the said proceedings and sing contract with our Contractors immediately after signing the agreement with the Ministry of Education and Science.
January 27, 2023
We are pleased to inform that on January 27th, 2023, the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center applied to the Ministry of Education and Science to subsidize the purchase of access to foreign databases of scientific journals and bibliometric databases with the widest international reach in 2023 for the total amount of PLN 22 617 432,31.
The application to the Ministry of Education and Science includes the following licenses:
– EBSCO Information Services basic package (national license)
– EBSCO Information Services specialized package (consortium license)
– Royal Society of Chemistry (consortium license)
– McGraw-Hill (consortium license)
– KARGER (consortium license).
We will inform you of the decision of the Ministry about subsidizing the above-mentioned databases in 2023 immediately after our application is examined.
December 27, 2022
On December 23rd, 2022, the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center concluded the last agreement on providing access to foreign databases of scientific journals, e-books and bibliographic databases with the widest international reach as part of the Virtual Library of Science project. This year’s subsidy of the Ministry of Education and Science allowed us to purchase the following licenses:
– EBSCO Information Services basic package (national license) – 100% financed by the Ministry, the total amount of the subsidy granted – PLN 11 126 845,40
– EBSCO Information Services specialized package (consortium license) – in 2022, 103 scientific units were granted 50% of purchase subsidy. The total amount of the subsidy granted by the Ministry – PLN 5 556 912,22
– Royal Society of Chemistry (consortium license) – in 2022, 35 scientific units were granted 50% of purchase subsidy. The total amount of the subsidy granted by the Ministry – PLN 2 495 323,06
– KARGER (consortium license) – in 2022, 10 scientific units were granted 50% of purchase subsidy. The total amount of the subsidy granted by the Ministry – PLN 908 277,05
–McGraw-Hill (consortium license) – in 2022, 24 scientific units were granted 50% of purchase subsidy. The total amount of the subsidy granted by the Ministry – PLN 1 219 187,70.
We wish to thank all units participating in the proceedings for their kind assistance, engagement and timely provision of required documents.
June 20, 2022
On June 9th, 2022, the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center concluded agreement no. 3/WBN/2022 with the Ministry of Education and Science on implementation of a task titled “Provision of access to foreign databases of scientific journals and bibliographic databases with the widest international reach.” The total amount of the granted subsidy is PLN 21 306 545,43. The subsidy will cover the purchase of the following licenses:
– EBSCO Information Services basic package (national license)
– EBSCO Information Services specialized package (consortium license)
– Royal Society of Chemistry (consortium license)
– McGraw-Hill (consortium license)
– KARGER (consortium license).
Thanks to the subsidy granted by the Ministry of Education and Science we ca purchase journals, books, e-books and databases whose licensed are renewed annually. The resources are available on the editors’ platforms and may be used by Polish academic and scientific institutions, and the program is run by the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, PAS, Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center and the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling at the University of Warsaw. The Ministry’s subsidy allows scientists and researchers to gain free access to worldwide resources in the electronic form, which ensures invaluable support during R&D and deployment works in all fields of science.
Main advantages
• Scientific institutions in minor centers have equal opportunities in terms of access to scientific literature, which is particularly significant for junior researchers, doctoral students and those writing their dissertations
• All Polish universities and scientific institutions have access to major scientific publications
• It ensures conditions for stable access to scientific literature
• It provides support for interdisciplinary research.
1. Offers of databases of journals and e-books subsidized in 2021:
EBSCO BASIC PACKAGE national license 100% finansed by the Ministry of Education and Science
As part of the national license, EBSCO Information Services offers all Polish academic and scientific institutions free online access to the basic package that includes 14 databases in the English language. The databases are available at EBSCOhost (https://search.ebscohost.com/) and cover a wide array of disciplines, such as sciences, humanities, technical, social, medical and biomedical sciences, economics, and business. The package comprises the Academic Search Complete and Business Source Complete databases, which are frequently used by leading academic institutions worldwide.
The databases are available on the platform with the Polish interface. Thanks to innovative solutions, its users may print and save articles on their computers, download readymade bibliographic data in several formats, save the search results on their individual accounts (My EBSCOhost), listen to and translate the content. The databases may be accessed remotely from home computers and mobile devices.
The Academic Search Ultimate and Business Source Ultimate databases offer over 13,500 full-text, peer-reviewed journals with an international perspective. As compared to Academic Search Complete and Business Source Complete, the Ultimate versions additionally provide access to over 4,700 active, peer-reviewed journals. The Ultimate databases offer their users more extra resources from over 80 countries, covering hundreds of subjects, as well as easy access to even more indexed journals. W załączeniu przesyłamy krótkie porównanie zawartości baz Academic Search Ultimate oraz Business Source Ultimate względem baz w wersji Complete.
Including resources offered by Academic Search Ultimate and Business Source Ultimate databases into the EBSCO Basic Package allows Polish scientific workers and students to enjoy wider access to worldwide scientific literature. The Academic Search Ultimate and Business Source Ultimate databases available in the EBSCO Basic Package fit into the general trend of internationalizing science, providing more full-text, peer-reviewed journals published by renowned academic centers and scientific publishing houses in Europe, Asia, Oceania, Africa and both Americas.
The scientific and academic community that is part of the EBSCO consortium had a chance to get familiar with the Academic Search Ultimate and Business Source Ultimate databases during a test access to the resources launched in spring 2018.
The package with the Ultimate databases includes the following databases: Academic Search Ultimate, Agricola, Business Source Ultimate, ERIC, European Views of the Americas: 1493-1750, GreenFILE, Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition, Health Source: Consumer Edition, Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA), MasterFILE Premier, MEDLINE, Newspaper Source, Regional Business News and Teacher Reference Center (TRC).
The publisher wishes to invite everybody to participate in trainings in the EBSCO Basic Package and search options available on the EBSCOhost platform. No registration is required. The instruction on how to log into the WebEx platform is available here: instruction on how to log into WebEx.
EBSCO Specialized Package Consortium License 50% financed by the Ministry of Education and Science:
Access to electronic versions of the following databases of electronic journals on the EBSCOhost platform on the basis of individual subscription in 2022 by libraries that participate in the Virtual Library for Science national project:
Academic Search Ultimate, Applied Science & Technology Source, Applied Science & Technology Source Ultimate, Arab World Research Source, Art & Architecture Complete, Art Full Text, Art Source, ATLA Religion Database, ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials, ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials PLUS, Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals, Business Abstracts with Full Text, Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery Reference Center, Business Source Ultimate, Central & Eastern European Academic Source (CEEAS), Chinese Insight, CINAHL, CINAHL with Full Text, CINAHL Plus with Full Text, CINAHL Complete, Communication & Mass Media Complete, Communication Source, Computers & Applied Sciences Complete, Criminal Justice Abstracts with Full Text, Dentistry & Oral Sciences Source, DynaMed Plus, EconLit with Full Text, Education Source, Entrepreneurial Studies Source, Energy & Power Source, Environment Complete, Film & Television Literature Index with Full Text, Food Science Source, GeoRef, GIDEON, Global Patents, Historical Abstracts with Full Text, Hospitality & Tourism Complete, Humanities International Complete, Humanities Source, Humanities Source Ultimate, International Bibliography of Theatre & Dance with Full Text, International Pharmaceutical Abstracts, International Political Science Abstracts, International Security & Counter-Terrorism Reference Center, Isabel, Jewish Studies Source, Legal Collection, Legal Source, Library & Information Science Source, Literary Reference Center, Literary Reference Center Plus, MEDLINE with Full Text, MEDLINE Complete, Mental Measurements Yearbook & Tests in Print, MLA International Bibliography, MLA International Bibliography with Full Text, Music Index with Full Text, New Testament Abstracts Online, Nursing Reference Center, Nutrition Reference Center, Old Testament Abstracts Online, One Belt One Road Reference Source, PEMSoft, Petroleum Abstracts TULSA Database, The Philosopher’s Index, The Philosopher’s Index with Full Text, Political Science Complete, Polymer Library, PsycARTICLES, PsycBOOKS, PsycEXTRA, PsycINFO, PsycTESTS, PSYNDEX Literature and Audiovisual Media with PSYNDEX Tests, Rehabilitation Reference Center, Research Starters – Business, Research Starters – Education, Research Starters – Sociology, RILM Abstracts of Music Literature, RILM Abstracts of Music Literature with Full Text, RISM Series A/II: Music Manuscripts, RIPM Retrospective Index to Music Periodicals, Risk Management Reference Center, Shock & Vibration Digest, Small Business Reference Center, The Scientific & Medical ART Imagebase (SMART), SocINDEX with Full Text, Sociology Source Ultimate, SPORTDiscus with Full Text, Textile Technology Complete, TOXINZ, World Politics Review i World Textiles,
And the following e-book databases:
eBook Academic Collection, eBook Arabic Collection, eBook Business Collection, eBook Clinical Collection, eBook Community College Collection, eBook Education Collection, eBook EngineeringCore Collection, eBook Harvard Business Review Press Collection, eBook History Collection, eBook ITCore Collection, eBook Nursing Collection i eBook Religion Collection.
KARGER Consortium License 50% financed by the Ministry of Education and Science:
The mission of the Karger Publishing House is to support the research community by providing innovative services and publication that contain latest data on progress in biomedical sciences. Every year, Karger publishes about 80 scientific journals, almost 150 book series and individual publications as well as numerous special editions and thematic supplements. Most publications are in English. As one of the first publishers, Karger appreciated the potential of new media like the Internet, which is why all its journals and most books are also available in the electronic format.
Royal Society of Chemistry Consortium License 50% financed by the Ministry of Education and Science:
RSC is a scientific publisher of almost 40 peer-reviewed journals in chemistry, covering such domains as analytical chemistry, organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, chemical biology, chemical medicine, energy, materials science and nanotechnology.
McGraw-Hill Consortium License 50% financed by the Ministry of Education and Science:
McGraw-Hill Education is a publisher of scientific e-platforms (engineering and popular science databases) dedicated to schools and scientific institutions.
AccessEngineering is a reference base of knowledge for scientists, engineers, teachers and students. It provides access to the world’s top recognizable and used collection of authoritative and regularly updates scientific information. The database is particularly useful for scientists, engineers, and instructors who teach how to solve the contemporary problems within widely understood engineering on real examples. AccessEngineering helps to gain the desired solutions more efficiently.
The database provides access to:
• the latest information from such fields as bioscience, business competences, chemistry, civil engineering, communication/telecommunication, energetics/fules, environment engineering, industry engineering, DIY, materials science, mechanics, operations management and IT
• 7,650 engineering books
• over 906 materials updated monthly including instructional videos made by experts exclusively for AccessEngineering to present solutions to real and current engineering problems
• calculators that allow for efficient calulactions and simulations of scientific research results and solutions
• over 4,300 ready-made interactive graphs and charts for data analysis in research works/projects
• updated review of major innovative reports and research from the engineering world (24/7).
Access Science is one of the most popular databases/platforms in sciences. The main resource of the information is McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology.
• Over 8,700 online articles from Encyclopedia of Science & Technology (ed. 10th)
• Scientific updates from Yearbooks of Science & Technology
• Over 115,000 entries from Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms
• 18,000 illustrations, graphics and bibliographies that contain over 28,000 references
• Content provided by over 5,000 scholars including 42 Nobel laureates
• Over 3,000 biographies of the most renowned scholars from The Hutchinson Dictionary of Scientific Biography
• The source of the latest news from sciences and technology from Science News i Science Central Video
• Updated videos, animations and graphics
• The Q&A section
• Latest technology that offers quick search and RSS channels.
2. Who can apply and how?
Access to the resources offered within the national license (100% financed by the state) may be granted exclusively to scientific units according to the act of April 30th 2010 on the principles of financing science (Journal of Laws 2010 No. 96, item 615). Pursuant to Article 2 paragraph 9 of the said act, a scientific unit may denote all organizational units that continuously engage in research or development work, are legal persons and have registered offices in the Republic of Poland, in particular higher education institutions, research institutes, scientific units of PAS and other organizational units. New institutions may apply for the national license on a permanent basis at kontakt@ebsco.com The coordinator from PSNC for applications and documents: Marta Wiśniewska e-mail: mwisniewska@man.poznan.pl
Persons responsible for consortium licenses:
KARGER, RSC, MCGRAW HILL – Irena Księżopolska, representative of ABE-IPS irena.ksiezopolska@abe.pl www.abe.pl
EBSCO Specialized Package – Renata Włodarczyk, representative of EBSCO Information Services rwlodarczyk@ebscohost.com
EBSCO Information Services Basic Package Databases are available at http://search.ebscohost.com/
The purchase of other national licenses is provided by ICM – https://wbn.icm.edu.pl/
EBSCO Connect Resources
WBN Website run by ICM
List of institutions registered and using the national access to the EBSCO databases Dec. 31st 2020