Researchers’ Night

Researchers’ Night

For the last 18 years, on every last Friday of September, Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center as well as the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, has been inviting everyone who is interested in computer science and all possibilities it gives us. Along with our eight partners we mix knowledge with entertainment to make the Researcher’s Night a special and unforgettable experience for all the science lovers who, for a day – or rather night, can become scientists during a variety of workshops, tours and presentations.

PSNC headquarters (a CBPIO building located at 10 Jana Pawła II St.) will have events prepared under two main banners: ”Computers and Quanta”, as well as ”Multimedia and 3D”. Moreover, there will be much more fun waiting for guests at an Open Space of Technology and Entertainment. If you’re planning on visiting CBPIO, don’t forget that our specialists will show you how to record your podcast or how to make a digital copy of a photograph out of an old negative.

At the Center of Science (located at 12/14 Noskowskiego St.), on the other hand, IBCH PAS scientists will show you 1mm worms, cell cultures and DNA races; they will also teach you how to catch protein crystals with a lasso, and entertain you with some experiments using the superpowers of chemistry.

This special celebration of science is going to take place on September 27, between 17:00 and 22:00 CET. Most events of the Researchers’ Night are free of charge and do not require any form of registration.