AIENTR4YOUTH consortium meeting

AIENTR4YOUTH consortium meeting

A meeting of the AI-ENTR4YOUTH consortium was held at the headquarters of the Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center on 28 June to discuss the opportunities and challenges of integrating AI (Artificial Intelligence) in education. The meeting also discussed the future scaling up of the programme to reach 7,000 students in a number of European countries, including Albania, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, France, Greece, Romania and Ukraine.

PSNC was represented at the meeting by Bogdan Ludwiczak, Manager of the Advanced Visualisation and Interaction Department, who is responsible for the implementation of the AI-ENTR4YOUTH project. The aim of the project is to pilot the implementation of an artificial intelligence curriculum integrated into the entrepreneurship education programme of the global Junior Achievement organisation. The programme will cover a range of topics, including the fundamentals of artificial intelligence, ethics and its applications in different industries. AIENTR4YOUTH will be a pilot project involving 600 students in Portugal, Italy and Spain.