Altair at 131st place on TOP500 list

Altair at 131st place on TOP500 list

Lists of the world’s fastest supercomputers and the most energy efficient machines are created twice a year (in June and November), traditionally at the largest HPC conferences: ISC (International Supercomputing Conference) in Europe and Supercomputing in the USA.

During this year’s Supercomputing conference another TOP500 list was announced. Altair system – the system located at PSNC – from June 2021 is still classified on TOP500 on 131st place (position 85 in June). The list also includes two other computers purchased under the PRACE-LAB project:

  • Ares – position 267 – ACK Cyfronet AGH (in June 2021 – position 216)
  • Tryton Plus – position 426 – CI TASK (in June 2021 – position no. 360).

Let us recall that in May this year, the Altair supercomputer was fully commissioned. Implementation and integration work began in December 2020, while in January this year a fragment of the system was made available to the most active users. Altair has been physically and logically connected to the Eagle system operating in PSNC since 2016.

The following Altair resources are currently available:
– conventional power – 1320 2-processor nodes based on Intel Xeon Platinium 8268
– GP-GPU cluster – 9 nodes equipped with 8 NVIDIA V100 GPU cards.

Altair supercomputer was purchased from EU funds under the PRACE-LAB project (Polish Map of Research Infrastructure) and is currently the largest computing system in Poland, placed on the TOP500 and GREEN500 list – the most energy efficient HPC systems in terms of electricity consumption.