DARIAH-PL with the support of the National Reconstruction Plan

DARIAH-PL with the support of the National Reconstruction Plan

Under the signed agreement, the project entitled “Digital Research Infrastructure for the Humanities and Arts DARIAH-PL” has been supported by the development plan under investment: A2.4.1 Investments in Research Capacity Development of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan. The project is being implemented as part of a multi-year plan to deepen cooperation in building digital infrastructure for the humanities and arts in Poland.

The DARIAH-PL Consortium was established on 18 August 2014; immediately after the consortium was established, the University of Warsaw, as its coordinator, began efforts to include Poland in the DARIAH-ERIC network. In the first weeks of February 2015. The Ministry of Science and Higher Education also took steps to include the DARIAH-PL consortium in the European DARIAH-ERIC network. The European Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities (DARIAH-ERIC) provides a platform for the exchange of knowledge, methods and research infrastructure in the humanities and arts. Its strategic goal is to facilitate long-term access to jointly developed digital research tools and data in the humanities and arts. DARIAH is designed as an open platform linking the resources, initiatives and research infrastructures of the participating European countries. The core of the DARIAH strategy is to bring together national, regional and local activities to create a common infrastructure that works in a complementary way.

Next to the German consortium, the Polish consortium is the largest national agreement in the European network. It is also the largest scientific consortium in the history of the Polish humanities. In 2020, the “Digital Research Infrastructure for the Humanities and Arts DARIAH-PL” project was included in the Polish Roadmap of Research Infrastructure.

The aim of the KPO (National Reconstruction Plan)-funded DARIAH-PL project is to develop a national intelligent digital research infrastructure for the humanities and arts by creating a national ecosystem for interdisciplinary research on archaeological and cultural heritage materials.

The use of the infrastructure, which is the main outcome of the project, will be possible both at the level of national and international research projects and in cooperation with commercial partners. The results of the project, such as services for processing research objects, binding research data and tools for implementing advanced research scenarios, will contribute to the strengthening of the Polish digital humanities and art sciences, as well as to the process of removing barriers related to access to combined digital resources and tools, including for people with disabilities. The project will also have a positive impact on the implementation of equal opportunities policies. It will be implemented by a team of experienced specialists with extensive knowledge and experience in the field of research infrastructure investments, within a project consortium of 13 scientific entities, including:

Institute of Computer Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences – Project Leader,
University of Warsaw,
Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry PAS – Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center PSNC,
Institute of Literary Research PAS,
Institute of Polish Language PAS,
Tadeusz Manteuffel Institute of History PAS,
Institute of Slavic Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences,
Institute of Arts of the Polish Academy of Sciences,
Poznan University of Technology,
Wroclaw University of Technology,
Maria Curie-Skłodowska University of Lublin,
University of Wrocław,
Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznan.

The total value of the project amounts to PLN 71,835,475.87, of which PLN 57,637,042.87 is co-financed by the National Reconstruction Plan (KPO). The timetable for the undertaking assumes its implementation from 1.04.2024 to 31.12.2025.