EOSC Day Poland: Making Open Science a reality!

EOSC Day Poland: Making Open Science a reality!
On June 22 2023, EOSC Day Poland will be held in Poznań, organized by the Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań and Poznań University of Technology together with the National Science Centre and the PIONIER – Polish Optical Internet. The event is addressed to scientists, researchers and representatives of the R&E sector. The aim of the event is to The goal of the event is to introduce the best practices and an EOSC-based toolset for the management of research products.

Today’s research processes face the challenges of retrieval and reliability of available research data. Open Science Practices offer solutions for researchers, as well as ways to accelerate research time. The European Open Science Cloud is a federated network of FAIR data and services for the implementation of Open Science in Europe. The National Research and Education Network PIONIER – Polish Optical Internet acts as the core of the EOSC in Poland, offering tools and services to help Polish scientists shorten their research time.

It is necessary to shorten the path between innovations and their implementation in production environments. One of the key criteria is the findability, accessibility and reusability of research results, as well as the integration of research processes with R&E infrastructure. EOSC is addressing the findability of scientific products across disciplines and repositories, lcoupling it with available resources from infrastructure through services.

In Poland, the national research and education network PIONIER acts as the EOSC core, accumulating tools and services to o facilitate shortening of the time to research for Polish scientists. ICT infrastructures, such as network and resources for data storage and processing are complemented with the services for implementation of accessibility policies, and standardized description of the research products itself. On top of these core services, PIONIER provides access to several EOSC exchange services tailored to Polish needs providing advanced research enabling capabilities, and supporting the adoption of FAIR and Open Science practices.

The event will be dedicated to the presentation of different toolkits, the implementation of the integrated solution and policies at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, as well as a presentation from the National Science Centre. The session will be complemented by a panel discussion to define the challenges and next steps in implementing Open Science and EOSC practices as a toolkit. Participants of the meeting will have the opportunity to take part in parallel meetings of the Polish and international Open Science and EOSC communities.

A parallel track will be dedicated to workshops and trainings. Participants will gain practical experience in developing data management plans (DMPs) tailored to the formal requirements of research grants, including the management of associated research process outputs, using the ROHub research object repository and subsequent submission to a national funding agency.

Detailed agenda and registration form can be found on the event website.