
February with Conference4me

In February Conference4me supports two large conferences – MKWI 2014 (Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik) in Paderborn, Germany and Cloudscape VI (Cloud for a smart economy & smart socjety) in Brussels, Belgium.

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VISIONAIR Open Forum: demonstration of CONFetti’s usefulness

One of the highlights of the VISIONAIR Open Forum conference (5-6.02.2014) will be the presentation of the CONFetti platform which was created within the EXPERIMEDIA project. The event will include a demonstration of CONFetti’s usefulness in the process of preparing choreographies and training of dancers.

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Conference4me at BOBCATSSS

The XXII edition of BOBCATSSS held in Barcelona on 29-31th January opens the “life” of Conference4me in 2014. The conference is a collaboration between the University of Boras (Sweden) and the University of Barcelona (Spain).

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Welcome to VISIONAIR Open Forum!

On 5th and 6th February 2014 VISIONAIR Open Forum 2014 conference will be hosted in Poznan, Poland. The event will focus on integration of services and construction of high-quality visualization platform of the VISIONAIR project, which has been available free of charge to scientists and researchers from European countries for three years already.

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Networked Art Performance at the ICT 2013 in Vilnius

During the ICT 2013 conference in Vilnius (6-8.11.2013) PSNC with cooperation of i2CAT and INRIA organized a networked art performance connecting real-time artistic actions in multiple cities around Europe. The Creative Ring demonstration, supported by the VISIONAIR project, presented advanced distributed research and artistic scenario that included musicians in Poznan, Barcelona and Vilnius, dancers and 3D motion-capture system in Grenoble as well as low latency video transmission over the GEANT network.

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20 years of Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center!

Exactly 20 years ago, in 1993, Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center affiliated to the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences started its activity. For this occasion on October 17, 2013 at the Centre of Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Poznan, the conference gala was organized, summarizing 20 years of PSNC.

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4K 3D transatlantic transmission

On June 25, 2013, in a special demonstration prepared for the participants of U.S. Ignite Application Summit in Chicago, ultra high resolution 4K 3D movies were streamed from PSNC to the Electronic Visualization Laboratory (EVL) at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC).

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Uncompressed live UHDTV 3D 60p streaming over 2.000 km

During the TERENA Networking Conference, taken place in Maastricht (Netherlands) on 3-6 June 2013, Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center together with SURFNet, University of Twente and CIENA presented a long-distance human-robot interaction with multi-stream uncompressed stereoscopic UHDTV streaming. This was one of the first demonstration of streaming live 4K 3D streams over 2.000 km with seamless latency.

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Innovating Together… in the near future

“Welcome to Maastricht, one of the oldest cities in the Netherlands and Europe!” With these words, the mayor of Maastricht – host of this year’s meeting, welcomed the participants of next TNC conference. Starting from medieval history, he referred to all historical events of this picturesque university town. The Terena Networking Conference 2013 was officially opened by the President of TERENA Organisation , Pierre Bruyere. The speech was rich in many warm words about the organizers, among which is the Dutch research network SURFnet, celebrating its 25th anniversary, as well as the PlatonTV team

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