
PSNC at the Economic Forum of the Poznań Agglomeration

Creating the investment attractiveness of the Poznań agglomeration, supporting the development of economic co-operation and the exchange of experiences between local governments are the aims of the third edition of the Economic Forum of the Poznań Agglomeration. The annual meetings are devoted to the issues of stimulating investments in the Poznań agglomeration in the long run, EURO 2012 investments or technological innovations in the region.

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IV Ukrainian Conference “Library and Book in the Context of Time”

On 14-15 of April 2010 in Kiev, Ukraine the IV conference “Library and Book in the Context of Time” was held. The conference scope joins scientific topics with the information useful for practitioners. The main organizer of this conference is the National Parliament Library of Ukraine. In this year the main topic of the conference was “Libraries activities on the preservation of national cultural heritage”.

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What is the state of Polish Internet in 2010?

Internet in Poland is the development of democracy – claims the Department for Information Technology Development
of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration. This is due to the fact that Poles are increasingly using the network to express their views and to organize themselves. In fact, this year many long expected projects are going to be launched in order to increase the infrastructure development of information society.

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GeeCON conference

GeeCON is an international conference that will focus on Java language and Java Virtual Machine based technologies. GeeCON will become a forum for sharing experiences about modern software development methodologies, enterprise architectures, design patterns, distributed computing!

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What’s up, Europeana?

On the 1st of March 2010 on the Europeanę projects group website an annual activity report was published. Section 4.4 of this report unfortunately contains outdated data (coming probably from August 2009, from the “Europeana Content Strategy” document), and according to this data the Polish participation in Europeana is lower than 1%.

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100 000 publications in the Wielkopolska Digital Library

On the 22nd of March 2010 the Wielkopolska Digital Library has reached the number of 100 000 publications available on-line. The publication which was published as number 100 000 is the Kurier Poznański issue from 1884.06.05 (R.13 nr 128), published in the WDL by Mr Wojciech Zagartowski from the Department of Electronic Humanistic Texts of the Kórnik Library of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

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