Hackaton Planet-ON’21 Smart & Green Industry

Hackaton Planet-ON’21 Smart & Green Industry

The international hackathon PLANET-ON 2021 will take place on 4 and 5 December. This event dedicated to climate issues will be held in a hybrid form. The stationary part will be hosted by PSNC Future Labs (20 Zwierzyniecka St., Poznan). Partners of the hackathon include Poznan University of Technology, Wklaster, HPC4Poland and Lukasiewicz Industrial Institute of Agricultural Engineering.

PLANET-ON is a 24-hour event bringing together innovators from various fields to tackle the challenges of an intelligent and planet-safe industry. Within the teams formed, developers and enthusiasts of new technologies will design solutions in five areas:

  • awareness,
  • energy,
  • ergonomics,
  • water,
  • waste.

Authors of the best ideas will receive prizes and an invitation to further cooperation.

More information and the hackathon agenda