Lacerta innoDays at PSNC

Lacerta innoDays at PSNC

During Lacerta innoDays, held on March 28 and 29, 2023 at the Polish Optical Internet Research Center, students from Poznan University of Technology and business innovators had the opportunity to learn about the Flexible Processing Unit – a system developed by the New Media Department of the Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center.

​During the event, Marcin Dabrowski, Piotr Ostapowicz and Tomasz Bigos presented Lacerta, a new microprocessor system and an open architecture controller based on FPGA with a 65XX virtual processor.

Nearly 30 participants of Lacerta innoDays performed practical exercises and solved tasks using the previously learned programming environment. One of the activities was to program the keyboard backlight so that it resembled a gaming keyboard. The workshop covered many aspects of using microcontrollers, including: data transfer, user interface (keyboards, LEDs, displays), as well as video and audio processing.

At the end of the second day, each participant received a prototype kit consisting of a Lacerta controller, interface board and a programmer, as well as a goodie pack.

More information about the Lacerta system can be found at:

Photo. Olga Ormanczyk, Piotr Kazmierski