LUMEN – Operating Freely Across a Variety of Scientific Fields

LUMEN – Operating Freely Across a Variety of Scientific Fields

Its full name is Linked User-driven Multidisciplinary Exploration Network, but you can simply call it LUMEN. Despite this friendly and simple moniker, LUMEN is actually a pioneering phenomenon which is very likely to turn cross-domain collaboration around and make a research journey across various scientific fields, like Mathematics, Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH), Earth System sciences and Molecular Dynamics a joyride! Two PSNC ambassadors – Tomasz Parkoła and Paweł Marciniak from the Digital Libraries and Knowledge Platforms Department joined the scientific extravaganza aka LUMEN kick-off meeting in Brussels on 20 and 21 January 2025.

The GoTriple platform, which is a well-known and respected site in the SSH community, serves as a leverage for LUMEN to enable the best possible interoperability across scientific domains and therefore fostering a more integrated approach to research and innovation.

With contributions related to research and co-design, communication and dissemination, as well as exploitation and sustainability of the platforms, OPERAS constitutes a splendid partner for the LUMEN project. And it comes with pride for us to say that PSNC has been a part of this consortium since 2024.