New issue of PIONIER magazine now available online

New issue of PIONIER magazine now available online
Since this issue PIONIER magazine will be available in electronic form. For now, the network can only find the latest edition of the magazine, but soon there will also be archived issues.

Latest issue was almost entirely devoted to the topic of telemedicine and e-health. You can find here the interview with Stanisław Starzak – Vice President of the PIONIER Consortium and proffesor Witold Szyfter – Head of the Department of Otolaryngology of University of Medical Sciences in Poznań. This issue also contains characteristics of Wielkopolska Telemedicine Center and Pomerania Euroregion, as well as Wroclaw Centre for Networking and Supercomputing and NORDUnet network in Scandinavia as a dessert.

Yoy may find PIONIER magazine at:
Enjoy your reading.