
GN5-1 Project Trainings Concerning Optical Time and Frequency Networks

As a part of their involvement in the GN5-1 project, specifically concerning the task of Optical Time and Frequency Networks (OTFN), two PSNC specialists dr inż. Krzysztof Turza and Wojbor Bogacki prepared training sessions which focus on distribution of precise time and frequency signals. The trainings are designed for students who would like to expand their knowledge and skills in that field.

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A Award for PSNC

A Polish limited company gave away their annual awards to companies and institutions with a significant influence on the digital transformation of the Polish State. The Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center was awarded in the category “Investment Expert”, which was a reflexion of PSNC’s success with the Center’s very own Proxima supercomputer – recognized as one of the fastest machines in the world according to the current prestigious TOP500 list.

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GN5-2 Project Presentation at FOSDEM 2025

8 000 participants and over 1 000 lectures – that is how we can sum up the FOSDEM meeting, which took place in Brussels on February 1st and 2nd. During this annual event for open-source software enthusiasts, its participants could share information about the latest initiatives, projects, technologies and applications. It was also a very good occasion to present the GN5-2 project, which was realized in cooperation with PSNC.

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PSNC Is an Official Partner of the Polish Presidency of the EU Council

On 1 January 2025, Poland began its presidency of the Council of the European Union. One of our country’s responsibilities for the first half of this year will be ensuring open, professional and reliable communication. Its goal is to provide citizens, media and stakeholders with better access to information on the preparations and conduct of the Polish leadership of the Council. PSNC was chosen as one of the partners whose activities are related to the priorities of the Polish leadership.

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PSNC Ceases Using X

On 23 January 2025 PSNC published its final post on X (former Twitter) officially informing that there will be no further communication from the Poznań Center on this platform.

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Automation of Functionalities on and BIP Websites

The City of Poznań and the Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center continue to develop and implement numerous digital services. The next stage of their long-standing cooperation is the project “Automation of Websites’ Functionalities ( and BIP)”, which is a part of Action 1.4 called “The development of e-services and public e-resources within the ZIT framework of the European funds for Wielkopolska 2021-2027 program”.

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EmpowerHer – a New Project for Women

EmpowerHer is the name of an innovative program designed for breast cancer survivors, who are encouraged to participate in it during their recovery. Its primary goal is to promote physical activity and social support, so it provides various tools and strategies that are very useful in improving the quality of EmpowerHer participants’ lives. Part of the program is a user-friendly mobile app, which gives women access to personalized exercise routines tailored to their individual needs and abilities.

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FENG Projects for PSNC

The National Information Processing Institute – National Research Institute, as an intermediary institution in the FENG Priority II, has completed the assessment of applications for funding in two calls “The Path for Projects from the Polish Roadmap of Research Infrastructure” and “The Path for Projects Concerning Undertakings of Network-Based Institutions Consisting of Research Organizations”. The Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center affiliated with the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences is the leader of four and a partner in two projects funded in these calls.

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