PIONIER at SC13 – welcome to Denver!

PIONIER at SC13 – welcome to Denver!
Supercomputing 2013 – the world’s largest ICT environments meeting, organized around such topics as: efficient data processing (HPC – High Performance Computing), networking, storage and analysis of data, is held in Denver, Colorado (U.S). The conference taking place from 17 to 22 November, is accompanied by the exhibition (18-21.11.2013), during which PIONIER Consortium and Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center is presenting Polish achievements in the field of ICT.

This year’s conference will be unique not only in terms of number of participants. It turns out that 2013 is the year of jubilee, not only for the PIONIER Consortium, which is celebrating 10 years of its foundation , but also for the most important ICT conference in the world – Supercomputing, which has been organized for 25 years now.

SC13 is, above all, focused around the latest and most innovative activities in the field of applications, development environments, software, operating systems, architectures, intensive data processing, storage and more. The theme of the 25th in the history SC13 meeting is “HPC Everywhere”.

Polish results of scientific research at the conference exhibition will be presented by PIONIER Consortium at the booth number 3737 including: PIONIER Network cloud services, Addonas, Alien or 100NET projects.

During SC’2013 its premiere will also have the prototype cluster of PRACE project, working at PSNC, with an innovative hot water cooling system, created by ICEOTOPE. It is a worldwide unique cluster of probably the best in the world PUE ratio (Power Usage Effectiveness) of 1.018.

Polish news at this year’s SC conference will be updated online on the blog, created especially for this event.

PIONIER SC13 blog is available at: http://blog.pionier.net.pl/sc2013/

