“PLATON Roadshow 2012” promotional action – the first step on the “route” is behind us!

“PLATON Roadshow 2012” promotional action – the first step on the “route” is behind us!
As early as September this year, after nearly four years of intensive work, will result in one of the biggest projects in recent years for the scientific community – “PLATON Science Services Platform.” Through this project, the scientific and academic community is equipped with 5 new services: videoconferencing services, eduroam services, campus services, archiving services and scientific HD TV services. This nationwide project is implemented by 22 Members of the PIONIER Consortium representing the leading R&D centers in their regions.
Due to the fact that the PLATON project is coming to an end, efforts have been made to widely propagate the deployed services. As a result, the idea of the promotional “Roadshow PLATON 2012″is realized, which is a series of visits at the premises of the project Partners with the performance of multimedia presentations for a wide range of potential users. The aim is to raise awareness of the availability of these advanced solutions, created to show the infrastructure, and above all to encourage the use of the services offered.

Currently, we completed the first phase of the action. During the 13-day journey, we passed about 3,000 kilometers, visited 10 cities (Rzeszow, Lublin, Pulawy, Radom, Zielona Gora, Szczecin, Koszalin, Bydgoszcz, Bialystok, and Olsztyn), where over 700 participants representing research staff and students saw our presentation ! The course of all events could be followed in real time on our blog at: blog.pionier.net.pl/platon2012, where all the video footage and photos, along with journalists news are still available.

The second phase is planned for September, and the third phase along with the final presentation is planned for early October, shortly after the completion of the project. The entire promotion carried out using the roadshow mode, will therefore be the largest research project PR action so far in Poland and most likely, one of the largest in Europe.

We invite you to actively participate in the “Roadshow” and use of the PLATON services “.