Clock Network Services - Design Study

The CLONETS-DS project is designing a sustainable, pan-European, ultra-precise time-and-frequency reference-system (T&F-RS) available to the European research community that considers user needs, designs the required architecture, engineering models and roadmaps, and develops a sustainability model for the service, thus strengthening the European research area. The long-term goal of the project is to provide the means to be listed in upcoming revisions of the ESFRI roadmap of the EU.

The specific objectives are:

  • Elaborating the needs of the scientific community for ultraprecise timing and frequencies in various fields of research. This will lead to the definition of user requirements the envisaged T&F-RS has to address in its definition of the services to be provided via optical fibre at points of presence (PoP).
  • Defining an architecture that supports T & F services at the highest, most advanced level of stability and accuracy.
  • Designing an engineering model as well as a deployment strategy that assure interoperability of already existing implementations at European level and possible future extensions including the creation of a common data platform.
  • Defining roadmaps and strategies to implement a sustainable research infrastructure.
  • Strengthening the European research area by elaborating plans for the integrations of the necessary environment into the European landscape

The project is implemented by a scientific-industrial consortium from seven countries. The consortium consists of:
– Menlo
– Ústav přístrojové techniky AV ČR, v.v.i. (ISI)
– University of Granada
– Seven Solutions SL
– University of Bonn
– Piktime Systems sp. z o.o.
– Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica
– Universite Paris 13
– University College London
– Muquans

Start date: 2020-10-01
End date: 2022-09-30
Role: Partner
Origin: Foreign project

Funding: H2020