The purpose of EDIH HPC4Poland is to increase the competitiveness and innovation of North West Poland (NUTS1) manufacturing companies and public organizations by increasing awareness and availability of advanced digital tools and services based on safe, reliable and efficient High Performance Computing (HPC), including: cloud simulations (PaaS), sensor systems (IoT), AR/VR/MR, collaborative robots, AGV, AMR, additive technologies, AI and Big Data analysis. HPC4Poland EDIH is a feedback matrix and a true node of value and service exchange between research teams, suppliers and recipients of advanced concepts, methods and solutions in the target region and collaborating regions/EDIHs of the EU. Based on the resources and domain knowledge of competence centers (research units) and business partners (tool suppliers), the EDIH implements a comprehensive one-stop-shop digital transformation offer, currently unavailable on the Polish market to the 4 target markets: transportation/automotive, medicine/pharmaceutics, wood/furniture, agriculture/processing.
To raise the awareness of enterprises, HPC4Poland also co-creates regional and pan-European communities of IT and business experts with industrial and public partners. In addition, this EDIH uses dedicated methodologies and tools (e.g. DMA) to accurately monitor the digital transformation progress in customers and to constantly update the actual demand across its key specializations: automotive / transport, furniture / wood, processing / agri-food, pharmaceutical / medicine (including public health units) and smart urban platforms. The target region has long traditions in the 4 target sectors and has over 100 000 active manufacturing SMEs in these sectors.
The EDIH constantly updates and develops its offer by creating new applications and combining complementing services to address the needs of the target industries. For example, Poznan University of Technology (PUT) specializes in robotic technologies, PSNC ensures access to HPC resources, whereas Atres develops simulation models for factory lines. Together, the three partners provide a comprehensive production line digital twin service, which can be additionally extended by CBiRNT’s training on robotic and cobotic skills.
The constant evolution of EDIH services towards real market challenges is supported by community events, such as workshops, hackathons and other regional and EU/DTA events. Thanks to appointing 10 innovation brokers, the EDIH gains an instant feedback loop with customers. Consequently, the EDIH will update its offering on an annual basis to increase the relevance and sustainability of services and to reduce the risk of mismatch with the market needs.
3 types of service packages are available from the EDIH one-stop-shop: Market, Business, Engineering. The complete digital transformation journey assumes using each of the three types of services. Although using only one type of service from a single partner is not excluded, such customer shall not be considered key EDIH customer and therefore shall not undergo the digital audit or maturity assessment.
The EDIH customer journey begins with live consultation and/or filling in (by the client or EDIH broker) the interest form on the EDIH website. Secondly, the client is assigned to one of EDIH brokers, who consults the client’s needs, verifies their eligibility for refund and proposes services. Every proposed package includes services from at least two EDIH Partners and at least two categories. EDIH plans to distribute ca. 3000 service units. While one client may consume more than one service unit, no less than 500 unique clients shall use digital services under this project. Customers undergoing the full digital transformation cycle, i.e. using three service categories, will be considered key EDIH customers and their digital maturity progress will be assessed by means of the EU’s DMA.
The total value of the project is 16,907,298.03 PLN.
Digital Europe Program: 8,366,829.10 PLN.
European Funds for Modern Economy: 8,366,829.10 PLN.
Digital Europe Program
European Funds for a Modern Economy
- Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences – Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center,
- Adam Mickiewicz University Foundation, with Poznan Science and Technology Park,
- Poznan University of Technology,
- West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin,
- University of Zielona Góra,
- Łukasiewicz Research Network – Poznań Institute of Technology,
- “ALTUM” Foundation,
- Gdansk University of Technology – Centre of Informatics Tricity Academic Supercomputer and network,
- District Center for Vocational Education/Center for Research and Development of Modern Technologies,
- Science and Technology Park “TECHNOPARK GLIWICE” Ltd.,
- Apollogic Ltd.,
- Procobot Ltd.,
- Łukasiewicz – Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals,
- Atres Intralogistics spółka Ltd.,
- Lab150 – PRO DESIGN Ltd.,
- Invenco Ltd.
Funding: Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL)