Open Science Plan-Track-Assess Pathways

OSTrails is an InfraEOSC project that sets out an ambitious goal to streamline FAIR in the research ecosystem by embedding connectivity and actionability in the Plan-Track-Assess stages of research. It will determine which FAIR measures are acceptable to communities, promote agreement on what matters most, and co-create a suite of methods, tools, services, guidance and training to facilitate FAIR evaluation and improve the FAIRness of Digital Objects (DOs) across a variety of contexts (across disciplines, organisations, and countries).
Key objectives to achieve this are the following:
Define the OSTrails Plan-Track-Assess Interoperability Reference Architecture (OSTrails-IRA)
Enhance existing, widely used services and DMP/SKG/FAIR Assessment platforms with new capabilities for automation and enable their interoperation to streamline FAIR assessment from early research stages.
Develop a set of methods, tools, services and guidance and training to support assessment at all levels: FAIR assessment of DOs, DMP assessment for completeness and adequacy, SKGs assessment for accuracy and coverage.
Drive uptake by participation, bringing together different communities to co-design, validate, and evaluate how the OSTrails methods, tools, services, guidance and training can be applied in the real-world and create a federated Plan-Track-Assess infrastructure
PSNC leads the Polish national pilot, which aims to support creation and maintenance of executable DMPs in Poland. This will involve supporting the research data lifecycle management from the perspective of researchers, data providers and related stakeholders, who define how data will be handled during and after a research project, but also who will produce/collect this data, process and analyse it, preserve it, and make sure the data is discoverable, accessible and reusable when appropriate. This will be achieved via the connection of PSNC’s ROHub platform and the DMP tools Argos customised to Polish needs, both services onboarded and integrated in EOSC. ROHub is the reference research object management platform supporting the preservation and lifecycle management of scientific investigations, research campaigns and operational processes. ROHub implements natively the research object paradigm and the corresponding ro-crate specification for the exchange of research objects. In addition to Argos, ROHub integrates several other EOSC services, delivering a research environment supporting scientists and their teams in the adoption of FAIR and Open Science principles.



Start date: 2024-02-02
End date: 2027-01-31
Role: Partner
Origin: Foreign project

Funding: Horizon Europe