The main goal of the PIONIER-LAB project is to provide support in the field of ICT for users conducting research beyond the field of ICT, thus enabling interdisciplinary research in key research areas in the PIONIER-LAB ecosystem.
Moreover, the aim of the Project is also to enable research in key areas in the field of new technologies related to social Internet, safe e-commerce, and new generation networks.
The achievement of the Project’s objectives will be possible thanks to the construction of an integrated ecosystem of advanced research infrastructures in the following domains:
- Network security, including infrastructure related to the protection of networks and computing systems based on adaptive and intelligent systems, attack detection, and data protection.
- Distributed transaction systems, including research infrastructure related to distributed registers for research on new technologies in the field of ensuring data consistency in p2p networks.
- Artificial intelligence, including intelligent decision support systems, automatic reasoning, and autonomous decision making based on learned patterns and their continuous improvement based on new data.
- Social Internet, including new technologies and solutions relevant to the individual needs of users and enabling the implementation of innovative and personalized information society services.
- Multimedia technologies, including interactive systems, high-quality multimedia, VR and AR.
- Network technologies, including modern transmission systems, both fiber-optic and wireless, at the level of regional research and development centers.
The PIONIER-LAB consortium consists of 21 leading scientific and research units and universities in Poland:
- Consortium Leader – Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry PAS – PSNC;
- Academic Computer Center Cyfronet of the AGH University of Science and Technology Stanisław Staszic;
- Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation, National Research Institute;
- NASK, National Research Institute;
- Białystok University of Technology;
- Czestochowa University of Technology;
- Gdańsk University of Technology;
- Koszalin University of Technology;
- Lodz University of Technology;
- Rzeszów University of Technology;
- Kielce University of Technology;
- Wrocław University of Technology;
- Maria Curie-Skłodowska University;
- Nicolaus Copernicus University;
- University of Opole;
- University of Technology and Humanities in Radom;
- the University of Technology and Life Sciences in Bydgoszcz;
- University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn;
- the University of Warsaw, Interdisciplinary Center for Mathematical and Computational Modeling;
- University of Zielona Góra;
- West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin.
Funding: National project - structural/PO IR