This is a project implemented in Poland, offering advanced computations and data storage services, supporting scientific environments in Poland and in Europe as well as industrial research. The most modern and largest computing infrastructure with the highest reliability standard.
The overall goal of the project is to increase the competitiveness of the scientific community and the industry, with particular emphasis on SMEs, on international markets. Thanks to the implementation of R&D, the plan is to improve the position of the Polish ICT sector by supporting and strengthening the development of innovative solutions.
The direct objective of the project is to build a highly available HPC (High-Performance Computing) computing infrastructure consisting of high-performance computing servers, specialized processing units, and flexible data management systems, as well as providing research units and enterprises with services for research and development as well as commercial activities based on this infrastructure.
The project implementation is planned for the years 2019-2023 and includes the construction of specialized laboratories that guarantee the highest quality of services.
The Partners of the project are:
- Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences – Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center,
- Academic Computer Center CYFRONET AGH,
- Bialystok Technical University,
- Czestochowa University of Technology,
- Gdansk University of Technology CI TASK,
- Technical University of Lodz,
- Kielce University of Technology,
- Wroclaw University of Technology – Wroclaw Centre for Networking and Supercomputing.