A network of Regional Centers for Digital Medicine (RCMCs) is being established as part of a call for proposals launched by the Medical Research Agencies. The purpose of this initiative is to build infrastructure facilities for ongoing clinical research by Clinical Trials Support Centers (CWBKs) built in the country on the initiative of ABM and located in major academic centers conducting clinical research.
The primary task of the infrastructure being created is to create, develop and implement solutions based on advanced digital technologies with a particular focus on the use of artificial intelligence to create predictive models and therapeutic methods based on data generated during newly designed clinical trials, as well as on retrospective data stored at the centers.
In order to achieve these goals, it is necessary to design effective mechanisms for managing medical datasets that integrate clinical data, results of specialized diagnostic procedures such as medical imaging, gnomic analysis, and analysis of biological material. On the basis of the high-quality data sets created in this way, analytical processes and specialized client applications are to be embedded, enabling the provision of innovative functionalities related to patient diagnosis and monitoring.
The PSNC has been invited to join the consortium formed by the CWBK established at the University Clinical Hospital (USK) in Opole. In addition to USK and PSNC, the consortium includes:
- Institute of Human Genetics PAS in Poznań.
- Lukasiewicz Research Network – PORT Polish Center for Technology Development in Wroclaw.
The role of the PSNC is to provide the analytical platform necessary to build solutions for processing the data collected at the Center in terms of building artificial intelligence models. The main feature of this platform is the flexible and scalable use of the infrastructure potential offered by the PSNC. The second important task will be the construction of a physician assistant service based on the speech recognition model being developed at the PSNC.