PSNC at the XXX Wielkopolska Agricultural Fair

PSNC at the XXX Wielkopolska Agricultural Fair
The Wielkopolska Agricultural Fair is one of the most important events in the calendar, bringing together the agricultural community. During this year’s thirtieth anniversary edition (8-9 June 2024), representatives of the Internet of Things Department of the Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center presented projects that technologically support agricultural and food processing activities.

The two-day event, which traditionally takes place in Sielinko near Opalenica, was organised by the District Agricultural Advisory Team No. 2. The fair attracts almost 150 companies from the agricultural sector and over 20,000 visitors every year. It is one of the most important agricultural events in the region, known for its wide range of products, presentations of modern agricultural machinery and high quality production inputs.

The event provided an excellent opportunity to promote PSNC’s agri-focused projects, increase agricultural knowledge and network with potential customers. During the two-day meeting, experts from the PSNC presented cooperation opportunities within the AgrifoodTEF, ICOS, ScaleAgData, OpenAgri, Datamite and AI4EOSC projects.