PSNC Leaps into the future of computing

PSNC Leaps into the future of computing

xFusion, a global provider of computing infrastructures and services, joined forces with Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center. The aim of this cooperation is not a modest one as together they want to be the leading powerhouse of complex HPC solutions on the European market. The key factor of this collaboration are the so-called FusionServer 2288H and server 5288H combined with NDR IB switches – as together they employ state-of-the-art technology for cluster refactoring.

This concept is crucial in challenges such as unified cluster management, job scheduling, and cluster monitoring. The experience that has been gained on the basis of the cooperative effort is already reflected in a white paper describing the potential acceleration of scientific research thanks to the use of the most advanced xFusion servers, known for their efficiency, which sets new standards in the world of IT.

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