PSNC Podcast: Heritage Park in 12K – ultra-modern digital humanities

PSNC Podcast: Heritage Park in 12K – ultra-modern digital humanities

Welcome to the second episode of PSNC Podcast. This time, specialists from the Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center will introduce the Dariah.Lab project – implemented to build a research infrastructure for digital humanities. This infrastructure has been placed on the Polish Roadmap for Research Infrastructures in the area of social sciences and humanities.

The PSNC Podcast is a series of popular science talks in which we explain engineering mysteries, talking about how science and technology are used in everyday life. The podcasts are conducted in the form of conversations between PSNC specialists and journalists, who together will try to explain scientific complexities in an accessible way.

The guest of the second episode of PSNC Podcast is Tomasz Parkoła – Head of the Digital Libraries and Knowledge Platforms Department at PSNC and athe Project Manager of the Dariah.Lab project. What is Dariah and why do we associate it with a female name in the first place, and not with a serious project? What is the impact of project labs on their environment? What can be done with documents from half a century ago written in yellowed notebooks? What is GPR used for and what does the spatio-temporal visualisation platform stand for?

The podcast is conducted by Magdalena Baranowska-Szczepańska Ph.D. and Damian Niemir.

The next podcast episodes will be available at: