PSNC will start building Poland’s first ion trap-based quantum computer

PSNC will start building Poland’s first ion trap-based quantum computer

On 2 August, Dariusz Standerski, Deputy Minister of Digitalisation, met with Anders Jensen, Director of EURO HPC, at the headquarters of the Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center. The meeting was devoted to the implementation of strategic plans for the construction of the largest ion trap-based quantum computer in Europe.

The meeting discussed issues related to the development of the local quantum ecosystem in terms of teaching and building quantum expertise in Poland, as well as the milestones of the project. Construction of the computer will begin next week and it will be operational by mid-2025. The device will be the first of its kind in Europe under the HPC Joint Undertaking.

The construction of the quantum computer in Poznan is a milestone in technological innovation with the potential to revolutionise many fields.

– Today we connect the present with the future. Construction of the quantum computer in Poznań will begin next week. The next step is the national quantum policy, in which we will set the direction for the next investments. It’s also about supporting the creation of the quantum ecosystem – from developing skills to expanding applications of breakthrough technologies, said Deputy Minister Dariusz Standerski.

A quantum computer can lead to breakthroughs in many fields such as medicine, chemistry, research or drug production.

– A quantum computer works faster, uses less energy, so what we need weeks or months for today, a quantum computer will calculate in minutes or hours. This will speed up research, the most difficult tasks for us today. It will allow us not only to make breakthroughs in cryptography, medicine and chemistry, but also to find new areas of application, concluded the Deputy Minister.

The meeting and discussion on the possibilities and future of quantum technologies was also attended by Pamela Krzypkowska, Director of the Research and Innovation Department at the Ministry of Digitalisation, members of the EuroHPC JU team and Alpine Quantum Technologies.