Report on PSNC activities in 2020

Report on PSNC activities in 2020

We invite you to read the report (available only in Polish version) containing an overview of the Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center activities in 2020. Digital science, industry and society are the areas in which we present our exemplary R&D and implementation achievements.

We asked specialists close to us to comment on the challenges in each of these areas:

– key directions for the development of science are presented by Prof. dr hab. Eng. Marek Figlerowicz, Director of the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Poznan,
– the fourth industrial revolution is characterized by Andrzej Soldaty, Chairman of the Board of the Future Industry Platform Foundation,
– social benefits and threats related to the use of artificial intelligence are highlighted by Prof. dr hab. Eng. Roman Słowiński, Vice President of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

In addition to the areas of activity related to the development of ICT technologies and applications, the report also contains information about our IT infrastructure, as well as a lot of data characterizing our activities in 2020.

The 2020 report is a summary that makes us all aware of the scale of the challenges we face in the future.

Please send any comments on the report you may have to:

Download PSNC 2020 Report
Download PSNC 2020 Report (2 pages per sheet)