Scientix: new way for science teaching

Scientix: new way for science teaching
Scientix is a new portal launched by the European Comission destined to teachers, researchers, politicians, local authorities, parents and all the people interested in science teaching.
Scientix was created to facilitate access to didactic materials, research results and documents which concern science subjects teaching, financed from the European Union but also national funds. The new platform will make easier the regular exchange and distribution of information, know-how and best practices in the field of didactics in the EU countries.

Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science– Máire Geoghegan-Quinn is convinced that Scientix will enable all the scientific teachers and pupils the use of great didactic materials developed by the European and national research projects. Thus Scientix will contribute both to young people’s interest in science, as well as to optimize the use of all resources allocated by EU in science teaching. It will also be the place of exchange of information and ideas for all interested in issues of science teaching.

Philosophy of the platform can be summarized by the following keywords: search, discovery and engagement. The distributed information and provided services cover several aspects of science teaching and will attract all types of actors involved in teaching these subjects: teachers, researchers, politicians, local authorities, parents and youth. In view of teachers, Scientix gathered teaching materials from hundreds of European projects and will make it available on demand, in all European languages.

The newly created portal is available in six languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Polish. Scientix provides access to the main results of European projects related to science education funded by the European Union under the Sixth and Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (Research General Direction), the “Learning for life” programme (Education and Culture General Direction), and various other national initiatives.

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