Superheroes4Science project meeting

Superheroes4Science project meeting

The kick-off meeting (November 28-30, 2023) of the second edition of the Superheroes 4 Science project was held in Bratislava. The projest’s aim is to popularize issues related to HPC (High-performance computing) among young people. The event was attended by representatives of three institutions representing the Visegrad Group countries, including representatives of PSNC.

Superheroes4Science is a project implemented within the framework of the International Visegrad Fund, and its aim is to popularise the importance of supercomputers and their use in everyday life. The project is implemented by representatives of 3 Visegrad Group countries: the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland.

The main effect of the Superheroes4Science project is the development of a set of educational and promotional materials to provide knowledge about HPC, a field of technology focusing on the use of supercomputers to solve complex problems and perform advanced calculations for science. The current second edition of the project also expands the scope of interest to include the issues of AI (Artificial Intelligence) and QC (Quantum Computing).

The project will last until mid-2025. The closing meeting will be organised in Poznan, Poland at the PSNC headquarters.