Technologies of the future

Archiving and disk resources

Research & development based on IT systems requires resources large data storage resources. PSNC, with the full support of specialists and using the latest equipment, offers a whole range of archiving, backup storage and long-term storage for R&D results. The systems, built on the basis of proven, reliable and secure solutions, on a national level, are available through the PIONIER scientific network and Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs), and allow for efficient and permanent access to data not only for the needs of the research and scientific environment in Poland, but also for state and local government institutions.

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Artificial intelligence and machine learning

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) issues are related to specific challenges at PSNC, such as automation of customer service, creating diagnostic models, selection of appropriate machine learning methodologies, support of clinical decisions, use of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to extract knowledge from digital heritage collections, or efficient search of the ML model parameter space for optimization.

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Big data analytics

PSNC conducts research and development works related to the challenges for Exascale systems as well as tools and services supporting the creation and execution of large-scale scientific simulations on high-performance computing systems of the current and next generation. These activities are maintained in cooperation with leading teams using large-scale computer simulations in nuclear fusion research, biomedicine, and nanotechnology.

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Clouds, virtualization and grids

The numerous problems faced by modern science often require international cooperation and the use of specialized equipment and expert knowledge. In order to meet such challenges, PSNC carries out projects in the field of cloud computing, i.e. methods and techniques allowing for virtualization of remote and shared resources, both scientific and industrial instruments. The possibility of using scientific and industrial devices, regardless of their physical location, helps to equalize the chances of using the instruments available so far only for a small group of people and contribute to the development of science and industry.

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Digital electronics

Digital electronics is facing countless challenges. PSNC recognizing the need for its own implementation of advanced solutions in this area has undertaken work to build a laboratory for the design and production of prototypes of electronic devices. The laboratory enables the implementation of all phases of hardware systems creation, starting from design through testing, up to prototype and small production series of modern digital electronics devices. As part of the CBPIO project, the laboratory will be complemented with a complete production line for complex printed circuits, maintaining standards and obtaining the parameters required in modern electronics.

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Digitisation and digital content

The history of the development of digitization and digital libraries at PSNC dates back to 1996 when research work began on the use of the PIONIER Network to provide access to the resources of scientific and cultural institutions for the needs of research, in particular in the humanities. The result of these works was a prototype system for building digital libraries. Currently, the PSNC Digital Libraries and Knowledge Platform Team is conducting advanced work in the field of digitization in the Visualization and Interaction Laboratory, which is a specific research tool for the processes of mass 2D digitization as well as long-term storage and sharing of digital objects.

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Internet of Things

Internet of Things activities at PSNC are conducted in the Laboratory for the Integration of Network Services with IoT networks and the Scientific Use of Social Infrastructures. This laboratory is a kind of workshop for rapid prototyping of hardware solutions, currently offering services for scientific entities and companies, enabling research and development works in the field of the Internet of Things. It is equipped with a number of tools and devices, from developer’s sets of electronics, microcontrollers, sensors, to CNC processing equipment, weather stations or air quality testing stations.

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Mobile applications

The ability to create application solution for many, sometimes small challenges, which in the package of common tools can constitute a big qualitative leap – is not only a long-term asset of PSNC but also a way to constantly look for methods to make life easier. Today, innovative PSNC applications are elements of larger, complex solution packages, integrating many years of knowledge of our technology specialists.

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Motion tracking and biometrics

Biometrics is currently one of the most important aspects in the field of data processing and security. Systems using biometric techniques to confirm identity are beginning to be used worldwide. Biometric methods, for which authentication and identification are of particular importance, have also become the subject of research work at PSNC. These works relate to the application of biometrics in various sectors of public life, such as banking, administration, healthcare, and e-commerce.

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New user interfaces

The field of user interface design has been developing very dynamically for years. Progress is primarily driven by the development of the consumer electronics market – especially mobile devices, where intuitiveness of operation is a feature that, along with other functions, can encourage the use of a given equipment. PSNC’s main challenges in this respect include manual interfaces in applications supporting pre-school and early childhood education, user interfaces for people with disabilities, aerial simulators and new user interfaces in accessing cultural, artistic and heritage resources.

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Next generation networks

The main goal of the New Generation Networks is to provide all users with a variety of services at the highest level of quality and reliability. Therefore, from the very beginning of its existence, PSNC has become an important research and development center in the field of information and communication technologies. The aim of its establishment was, among others, to build and coordinate the use of the POZMAN Metropolitan Area Network and supercomputers in Poznań by the units represented in the College of Rectors in the City of Poznań.

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Processing and transmission of multimedia

Multimedia streaming is one of the most natural, most common and also the most visually attractive services provided by the use of the broadband network. At PSNC, many projects in this area are associated with the development of high-speed Internet and evolutionary changes in the next generation of network e-infrastructure. For years, we have been successfully implementing, among others, UHD content streaming with effective compression or VR / 360⁰ content transmission in the best possible quality. The application of this type of streaming can be used in various areas and different scenarios, such as medicine, economy, culture or art.

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Quantum technologies

We are currently witnessing the so-called second quantum revolution and the dynamic development of a wide range of quantum technologies such as: quantum communication, quantum computing, quantum metrology and quantum simulation. The above technologies have the potential to revolutionize a number of fields, problems and applications using the issues and effects described by quantum mechanics. PSNC is involved in projects related to quantum computing and communication, the main goal of which is to further develop these technologies, integrate, implement and determine how it can be used in the current ICT infrastructure and services dedicated to the digital society.

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Remote presence and videoconferencing

PSNC together with our partners from the Metropolitan Area Networks and High-Performance Computing Centres, based on previous experience, has become a leader in services addressed to the entire Polish academic community. Poznan Center offers high definition video conferencing services and scientific interactive HD television along with a national distribution platform for network television.

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Robotics and drones

Robotics is currently one of the most important directions of research and technological progress. Robotic technologies integrate aspects of sensorics, artificial intelligence, automation and autonomy, and mechatronics. Robotics, and unmanned aerial and ground vehicles in particular, are at the heart of the PSNC Aerospace Lab's research efforts, focusing on applications in inspection, monitoring, detection, surveillance, tracking, mapping, emergency situations, logistics and manipulation. The lab has recently commissioned infrastructure at the airport in Kąkolewo, enabling research and experimental work, as well as pre-implementation tests in the field of robotics, both indoors and outdoors.

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PSNC, as a High-Performance Computing Centers, has one of the best Polish clusters called Orzeł (Eagle) with 1.7 PFlops of computational power. It is also one of the most energy-efficient systems, which was created in the region of Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA). PSNC computing resources are used by scientists working in various fields of science: astrophysicists, biologists, chemists, and physicists. Topics of these calculations include quantum chemistry, molecular dynamics, crystallography, computational biology, astrophysics, physics, construction, and machine simulations.

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Visualisation, immersion and interaction

Advanced visualization, including virtual reality (VR) and immersion, are the next stages of media development. VR applications, unlike traditional video, movies, and television, through their immersion make the experience of watching multimedia content increasingly intense, more interactive and personalized. However, regardless of the challenges posed to VR, hardware, and software manufacturers are faced with the need to carry out a large number of research and development activities to bring these technologies to the broad consumer market. This assumption underlies the research conducted at PSNC.

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Web portals, services and applications

Many innovative services and applications created at PSNC are IT solutions supporting too long or non-automated processes. Some of them have evolved into separate areas of the Center’s activity, others meet the specific needs of users, and there are also some solutions that have been recorded in the history of PSNC as an important chapter of experience and expertise in completely new areas of science and economy.

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