The conference “Security in cyberspace. Parents and children – partners in the digital world “

The conference “Security in cyberspace. Parents and children – partners in the digital world “

The Governor of the Wielkopolska Region Łukasz Mikołajczyk and the Association “People for People” invite the Wielkopolska Region Superintendent of Education, the Vice-Curators, Directors of Delegations and the Director of the Education Development Department to the conference “Security in cyberspace. Parents and children – partners in the digital world ”, organized under the patronage of the Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki. PSNC will conduct a direct broadcast of the event.

The conference will be held on Thursday, October 8, 2020 at 11.00 a.m. in the session room of the Wielkopolska Voivodship Office in Poznan, al. Niepodległości 16/18. During the meeting, the topics related to the dangers that a child may face in virtual reality.

The event will be broadcast via social channels

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