– Providing farmers with full access to the eDWIN advisory platform will considerably facilitate their everyday field work. Our contemporary world is based on constant technological progress and innovative solutions are implemented in all walks of life. Modern agriculture also requires using state-of-the-art technologies. It is the only way for our local as well as national farming sector to develop, says Jacek Sommerfeld, Head of the Wielkopolska Agricultural Advisory Center (Wielkopolski Ośrodek Doradztwa Rolniczego).
The app will help you trace the product origin
The eDWIN platform was originated by the Wielkopolska Agricultural Advisory Center in Poznań. The platform is completely free of charge and available for anyone as a web browser version and a mobile application. It can be used by farmers, research institutions, and all interested parties. Detailed information on the platform can be found at www.edwin.gov.pl.
The eDWIN application was made partly available in June 2022. Since then, farmers have been able to use two services: Virtual Farm and Meteorological Data Sharing. Works on two last services, Product Traceability and Hazard Reporting, were still underway but, as they were finished in late October, now all services are available.
The Product Traceability service may be used by farmers and consumers alike, which practically means anybody. It allows producers to include information about the product origin into the register for the consumers to familiarize with.
– The possibilities offered by the service will be appreciated by those who value information about product origin and want to purchase goods from reliable sources, explains Jacek Sommerfeld.
The Hazard Reporting service is dedicated to plant protection institutions as well as research units. It facilitates generating reports from the system of monitoring threat of crop destruction by disease or pest in farming and gardening.
Threat warning and current meteorological data
From the farmers’ perspective, the most important services are the two that have been available since June: Virtual Farm and Meteorological Data Sharing. The former allows them to obtain, collect and share information on the occurrence of pests in a given area and sends notifications regarding possible threats in the field.
The latter provides farmers with access to data from ca. 600 meteorological station throughout Poland that gather information about the current weather. Every station monitors such factors as temperature, humidity, total rainfall and its intensity, atmospheric pressure as well as wind speed and direction.
The eDWIN advisory platform was developed as part of the Internet Platform for Advising and Decision Support in Integrated Plant Protection project. Work on the platform was underway from June 2019 to October 2022, contributed by 19 partners from Poland including all provincial agricultural advisory centers, the Agricultural Advisory Center in Brwinów and the Institute of Plant Protection – National Research Institute (Instytut Ochrony Roślin – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy).
The project “Internet Platform for Advising and Decision Support in Integrated Plant Protection” implemented under Measure 2.1 “High availability and quality of public e-services” of Priority Axis II “E-government and open government” of the Digital Poland Operational Programme 2014-2020. The project funding agreement was signed with the Digital Poland Projects Centre on 19 June 2019. The total value of the project is PLN 20,920,508.02, of which PLN 17,689,792.53 from European funds, with the rest coming from the state budget.